Marketing: Fundamentals

4 Lessons I Learned as a Designer Who Studied Marketing

By Alejandro Rodriguez

PublishedPublished February 11, 2016

TagsMarketing > Fundamentals

These lessons changed my life! My design skills sky rocketed once I put them into practice.


Become a Marketing Genius with a PLN

By Alejandro Rodriguez

PublishedPublished July 9, 2014

TagsMarketing > Fundamentals

When I went back to school I was introduced to a practice that changed my life! I learned about the importance of a PLN. With it you can quickly become a marketing expert.


4 Basic Fundamentals of Marketing

By Alejandro Rodriguez

PublishedPublished June 24, 2014

TagsMarketing > Fundamentals

In all the marketing material I've read, whether directly or indirectly, I’ve noticed that every aspect of marketing logic seems to revolve around the four following fundamentals.